Hey Friends!
It’s time to get some pruning done before it all beautifully explodes this spring!
We can always answer specific questions you have so call us anytime, but here are some basic pruning tips you can use…
Many plants will live happily with no pruning at all, but periodic pruning of certain plants can enhance their appeal. Remember…
- This time of year (February/March) is the best time to do many major pruning tasks, EXCEPT for plants that bloom in the spring, in which case it is better to wait until after they finish blooming.
- Ornamental grasses and certain shrubs benefit from being cut back close to the ground this time of year.
- The best time to prune something is…. whenever it needs it. However, it is best not to do any drastic pruning during the heat of summer, or the plant may not recover.
- Crape Myrtles and other small trees may benefit from selective pruning, but the tops do not need to be cut back drastically.
- During the growing season, many perennial flowers can be encouraged to re-bloom by “dead-heading” or removing the old flowers when they are done.
Pruning is an extensive topic. If you have questions about specific pruning approaches, please contact the our friendly staff at T-Bone’s for expert advice!